Friday Bank Sickness

It was early this morning when I opened my YM account maybe around 4AM not by purpose of chatting someone but simply to open it up and check whether there could be offline messages from my friends and brethren. I got no offline messages.
As my usual drill on the Net, I browse on the Internet Explorer reading some current news, checking the world market on currency exchange, and searching for movies online. Well, of course not to forget the One Piece, a comic cartoon series which I find it so titillating and hilariously funny. I love watching Korean movies on and I enjoy my time until I reached 11AM today.
I watched "Il Mare," it's a simple and nice Korean movie. I wish to adopt the movie concept into MTV which I'm planning to join it as our entry for the next year competition. I hope we could complete the video this year if we will be permitted.
I simply did not sleep last night. I just conditioned myself that it will not be so exhausting at work today because I only have 2 hours of work schedule. After one hour of fixing myself, it was 12PM then. I just realized that I have an appointment to the bank today and it will take me about an hour in the bank.
It's Friday today!
If there could be a day that I wouldn't like, -- Friday! It is because the last workday of the week in the bank. And the last dreaded workday of the month, the time when I usually drain my accounts.
So I rushed to the bank and there were a lot of people there. I ignored the waiting line. I didn't get a holding pass number. I simply went directly to the teller who manages my transactions and I spoke in English --- that's the passage ticket for my accommodation. lol! It may seem funny but that's the way it goes here. No one is able to speak in English at the bank except the manager and the teller who always ushering me and addressing my transactions.
By the way, that teller is the most beautiful bank clerk I've ever seen here. I actually named her Gretchen because she didn't have an English name. And she was so grateful and happy to be called as Gretchen.
I told her that Gretchen is a name of a beautiful actress. And she really looks like Gretchen Barreto. She couldn't express how happy she was when I told that to her. And I couldn't express too how kilig I am. lol!
Hmmm... as if she wants to invite me for a dinner... (kilig to the bones naman ako)
I still remember when the second time I met Gretchen. Of course, still in the bank. We usually had ups and downs, smiley moments together while processing my papers – but all in the bank. (sabi nga ni erap weder-weder lng yan)
I was having a transaction with Sis Femy in the bank. It was the last Friday of the month. Getchen let me sit on her chair inside the counter because she found difficulty typing a bunch of English words. She let me type the English information from my papers into her computer while standing behind me holding on my shoulders.
Whoaa!!! Really?
The answer is emphatically, electrifying yes! I'm about to kid her to give me a soft massage on my shoulders while I'm doing her job which she supposed to make.
I was like a cold turkey the moment she puts her hands on my shoulders. I smiled to Sis Femy and told her, "minsan-minsan lang 'to, Georgia!" Sis Femy dropped her jaw, eyes widely opened, and the only two dangling words served her memory on that moment while staring the two of us sweetly inside the counter were "stunningly unbelievable."
The internal supervisor of my being was yelling up. "Get the hell out of your hands from my shoulders!" Her hands were like livewires charged with six hundred three scores and six volts. I was like electrocuted. I almost forgot how to use the computer keyboard. I asked her, "igo pindut-pindut ottoke?" Then she murmured, "yayshh!"
I messed up with the typing because the data on the computer screen were all in hangul. She said, "@#!.. kka-yo." So I returned on my seat beside Sis Femy.
What happened was not a bank scandal anyway. I charged it to experience! hahahh!
Sadly, she's terribly taller and bigger than me. LMAO!
Well, we're friends now. bhe!
I never forget that best things in life are free. And one of them is dreaming!
Kidding, I'm just making your day fun!
Did you know that if you are happy and thrilled your brain is inducing a dopamine chemical in the frontal lobe? It is a kind of neurotransmitter that releases a soothing pleasure and relieves body stress. The temporal lobe and the deep limbic system which execute feelings and emotions in your brain are relaxed making your mood better and serving you a beautiful day to live. I wish I could finish my articles about “Mind Versus Brain.” I’ll be discussing the differences between the two. And how they work in our system, and how we could manage things going on inside our head to make us better social beings.
Have a nice day folks!
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