
Last Sunday, Direk asked me to go with them in the Foreign Workers Center nearby at the Locale to interview the director. In spite of having a haggard feeling in that moment due to hang-over of non sleep in two consecutive days, I agreed to interview the director. We're completing a news item regarding the latest report of Korea's competitiveness ranking. And we need to finish it within this week because that issue matters time.
I have interviewed many people practically from all walks of life. But last Sunday was one of the most unwanted interviews I had. The director was so arrogant. He was not there in his office at the time we arrived. So I asked his secretary that we want to interview the director. She let us sit inside the conference room while waiting for the director. Of course, as our protocol, our cameraman set up the camera ready for shoot at anytime once the subjects are there. Our cameraman brought the camera which I call it as pipit because it is so handy and smaller compare to our agila camera. I told to Direk that every time we interview high profile men, we need to bring the agila camera because these kind of guys look at the size of the camera as an evaluating factor for them if they will treat us as media men worthy of respect with quivery. lol!
As he entered into his office he immediately noticed our camera. He recognized us as media volunteers because we had an interview with him in the past. I greeted him politely. I was in a good mood. I still feel the joy of cooking the dunkass. Wow, it was so really fulfilling cooking in the cuisine with an expert cook especially when I saw the brethren eating the food with gusto. Hehehh!
Hermana does perfectly how to capture the taste of the brethren in preparing menu in the Locale. I play the role of a critic assistant in preparing the menu at the Locale. The night before Sunday, Hermana instructed me to make a yogurt strawberry ice cream. The taste was so stunningly delectable. Once you tasted it, your mouth won't stop drooling until you sated your brain. Hahahh! Brain? Yes. The brain tells you when you're hungry or satisfied.
When I threw him the questions which we need to solicit answers from Koreans. He refused to be on camera. He opted to answer the questions without camera nor audio recorder. I lose motivation to take notes of his answers because I was disappointed of his refusal to be on camera. That was our intent why we went to his office, to take a video shots we need for our news item but he declined it. In short, the succeeding events which may transpire in that moment will be a waste of time for us. I patiently continued the interview with polished politeness and listened to him with a display of interest.
The news item that we're trying to complete was about Korea's competitiveness ranking over Japan's. And the first question goes this way: "How do you feel that Korea was able to out-rank Japan in the latest global competitiveness ranking?" The second question, "To be more competitive, what do you think the Korean people and government should do?" He, without a second thought, precipitously said that the questions are irrelevant and non-sense. I got stuck on my trail and hissed, "what the heck is this dwarf talking about? I wouldn't accept the news script anyway if the questions in it do not have relevancy to the news item we're trying to make!"
Well, the dunkass was so delectable and the brethren were happily satiated. I'm still in the positive mood.
He answered the first question telling me that the intent of the question is to divert the real economic stance of Korea. He doesn't believe that Korea has out-ranked Japan in the latest global competitiveness. He accused that the competitiveness ranking report is a result of Lee Myung Bak's manipulation to the Korean media to rhetorically elude the facts.
He talks in favor of Japan telling me that Korea is so unlikely possible to out-rank the giant economy of Japan. Then he confessed that he worked for Japan in several years.
I insisted and convinced him to share his opinion on camera to give value on his words. But he preferred to tell his answers to us without any video nor audio records. Then I muttered, "who the hell in the room cares about your opinion? Tell your words in front of our camera then confirm or refute the latest competitiveness ranking report by giving your notion as a Korean citizen!"
Well, I'm still in a good mood. I was thinking when we go back to the Locale it will be ready to prepare the mouth-watering ice cream dessert.
Thanks for the fulfilling and inspiriting effect of preparing food for the brethren. It prevented me to lambaste the arrogant director of the Foreign Workers Center. Otherwise, I might have questioned his patriotism and his nationality because he looks and sounds more like a Japanese than a Korean. And I might have asked him how many stars he could see if our camera starts to flash chaotically shaking his brain while his face sweeps on the floor after he insulted me in answering my questions.
Sounds ferocious? None of my elements will permit me to do that anyway.
I will never savage that dwarfed president of the Foreign Workers Center neither to the former president of Pinas. She was just a damned dumb ass who sat on the throne who wished not to step down because she's afraid of falling from the high heeled seat in the palace. She will be sitting in the Congress soon, at least in a lower heeled seat!
This morning we were in the Embassy to interview the ambassador. This time, the news item is about the conflict of North and South Korea. Before the ambassador arrived in the conference hall of his office, we already set up the two cameras. We brought agila and pipit with us. Our cameraman managed to hold agila on his shoulder but unfortunately or I should say, usually, the cameraman missed something in the set up. He forgot to bring the microphone of agila camera. I told him to simply manage the big camera for the sake of video coverage and we'll just use the microphone of pipit.
We had a very nice interview with the ambassador. Unlike the arrogant director of the Foreign Workers Center the ambassador answered our questions soberly and cunningly. He was the most cooperative dignitary whom we ever interviewed. After we asked questions and got his answers which all we need for our news item, we did some pep talks with the ambassador. He mentioned that though it is so unlikely a war in Korea will transpire. The Embassy has secured some precautionary measures and contingency plan in case of evacuation is needed for the OFWs in Korea. The evacuation will likely be consolidated at the Southern part of Korea in Busan province.
The opportunity didn't serve us much time because I will be late for my work. We bade goodbye to the ambassador. Then he noticed our cameras while our cameraman putting them in the bag. He got impressed of having us two cameras. He mentioned that they paid a cameraman for 500,000 won just to cover a whole day event of the Embassy. The editing is not included in the cost. I offered that our staff members are individually trained as a one-man team. I pointed to our cameraman as a good editor too. The ambassador cheerfully said that we shouldn't charge them of high price if we will offer our service.
I replied, we will think about that, sir! I'll better go and ask Direk first.
Have a nice day folks!
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